Dear Heritage Members, as the heritage course is closed tomorrow 19th February, Heritage Members are invited to play on the Main Course, prior to, and after the Ladies competition.
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Dear Members, as of 11.00 am today, please see the following information in relation to course availability for today and the weekend.
Dear Members, it will be no surprise that we report the course is quite wet today, its currently raining heavily with more rain forecast overnight. A decision on any play tomorrow will be made around 5.00 am tomorrow (Thursday).
Dear Members, following on from yesterdays update on course availability, we advise that the Course is open today for competition play (single stableford).
However, motorised carts are not able to be used on course today.
Dear Members,
Following a further inspection of the Course this am after approximately 50mm of rain overnight, we advise that a modified 9 hole competition will be run for members today (holes 1-9).
Dear Members, we have been advised that Golf Link is now off line until Thursday 30th January whilst changes are being made for the introduction of the World Handicap System.