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Dear Members, we have this afternoon received advice from the Queensland Chief Health Officer that our course can be re-opened from tomorrow 1st April.

We will be endeavouring, through the Pro Shop to get a time sheet up this afternoon

Dear Members,

We regret to advise, that after receiving advice from Golf Australia this afternoon, following on from the Prime Ministers statement last night, we have no option than to close our Golf Course from tonight for an indefinite period.

Dear Members, thank you to all who have worked with our Club staff to enable golf to be played at Virginia over the past week . In a constantly evolving and challenging situation for all, the Board has appreciates the

We not have beer, but we have coffee!!

Good evening members, thank you to all of you who supported us today and grabbed a bite to eat and a coffee.  We thank all the members who have

Dear Members, we have received a number of requests for clarification on the social distancing protocols which are now in place for the game of Golf. As advised in our earlier posts, VGC staff members will be on hand to

Dear Members,

At this time, the VGC Tuesday Blue Marker Challenge & 2019/20 Blue Marker Final will proceed as planned next Tuesday 31st March. In addition, for those who may not wish to play the Blue Marker, the Club will

Dear Members, following on from our email below of earlier this morning, we can advise that the Thursday Club will run as normal (or as close to normal as possible) tomorrow 26th March. Please see below for Govt imposed restrictions

Dear Members, following on from our advice yesterday, we have received further updates from discussion between Golf Australia, Clubs Queensland and the Liquor & Gaming Authority.

Whilst this response to a National Directive appears to be State specific given it

Dear Members, as you will be aware, Govt regulation has required the closure of the Club House as of 12.00 today for an indefinite period. Discussions have been held with our  Club staff in relation to the impact of this

The 2020 Club Match Play Championship has been decided for both B Grade and C Grade.

In B Grade Joshua McClelland had a close win over Aiden Craig 2&1, well done to both players for making the final.

In C