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Dear Members, unfortunately we again write to advise of weather conditions impacting on play. As a result of the rain today, we advise the following:

  • The Thursday Club scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled.
  • Subject only to any further

Membership Survey

Dear Members, thank you to all who completed the recent membership survey, we received in excess of 300 survey responses and many comments.

Directors have reviewed responses and comments carefully and will consider this information in Board deliberations

Dear Members, as you will be aware, our Pro Am will be held on Friday 23rd of April. In a follow up  to our call out for assistance with preparing the course on Wednesday (sponsor signage etc), if any member

Call for Volunteers

Dear Members, as you will be aware, the club is supported every week by a small team of wonderful volunteers who assist our Course staff in maintaining the Course. We are always happy to welcome more members

Dear Members, following on from our earlier course updates, we can now advise the following is respect of playing conditions and golf cart usage on course tomorrow, Saturday 10th April.

As advised yesterday, competition play on the Main Course will

Dear Members, following on from our advice yesterday, the Main Course will be available for social play and the ‘niners sip n chip’ tomorrow Friday 9th April, although unfortunately golf carts will not be permitted on course tomorrow.

Scheduled competition

Dear Members, unfortunately as a result of continuing rain overnight, which has prevented any drying of the course, we have had to cancel both the Thursday Club and Single Stableford competition tomorrow, Thursday, 8th April.

There maybe some possibility of

Dear Members,

I appreciate at the moment VGC is very wet, but I write to you thinking about a sunny dry weekend coming up, and of lots of Golf to be played at the Club. This weekend  is jam packed

Dear Members, as you would expect, the course is very wet with no play possible on course today. Competition Play scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled. The planned Ladies Monthly Medal will be rescheduled to a later date.

At this

Dear Members,

Following a course inspection this morning, we advise that today’s competition will proceed as scheduled. Carts will be permitted on course but are restricted to rough areas only. Members using carts are asked to avoid obvious wet patches