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Dear Members, following on from the Queensland Premier’s direction this morning of a 3 day lock down from 6.00 pm tonight until 6.00 pm on Friday 2nd July, we wish to advise that the Clubhouse and Golf Course will be

Dear Members, as all will be aware, the Qld Premier this morning announced the re-introduction of COVID-19 restrictions to apply from 1.00 am tomorrow, 29th June. At this stage, these restrictions will remain in place for 2 weeks. Whilst we

Dear Members, just a couple of things to update.

We have received feedback over recent weeks in relation to raking of bunkers, or more specifically, not raking bunkers. Obviously, rakes have now been returned to bunkers for some weeks, and

Dear Members, following on from our earlier advice of Membership Director Andrew Baker’s resignation from the Board due to work commitments, I am pleased to advise that Corey Stafford has agreed to join the Board as the replacement Membership Director

The R.W.Wilson Final between Brenton & Ray Knudsen and Tony Wiseman & Lance Dewbury was played today in wonderful golfing conditions at VGC.  This was a much anticipated match as  both final pairings showed great match play form throughout the

Dear Members, just a couple of quick things to update.

Saturday Time sheets.  Obviously at this time of year with shorter daylight hours, there is a reduced number of tee spots for members on a Saturday, resulting in close to

The Wayne Grady cup is back, Sunday June 27 will see the return of the much anticipated Golf Australia and Order of Merit Event here at Virginia Golf Club.

The event will be a 36 hole Stroke event with a

Dear Members, over the past couple of months, the Club’s Board of Directors & Match Committee have undertaken a large piece of work in updating the Club’s Competition and Club Rules providing guidelines for member conduct, dress and competition rules,

Dear Members, yet again we write relating to playing conditions as a result of rain during the week.

After a review of the course today,  we are pleased to advise that Competition play on both the Main and Heritage Courses

Dear Members,

We are delighted to advise that both the Main & Heritage courses will be open for competition play tomorrow, Saturday, as normal.

Golf carts can be used on both courses tomorrow, but carts are strictly limited to rough