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Dear Members,

Thank you for your support of the last few months in purchasing tickets in our 2021 Pennants Raffle in support of the VGC Pennants Teams.

Under the supervision of our Vice Captain, the raffle was drawn today. Winners

Dear Members, a couple of things to update on today.

Queensland Golf Industry Awards 2021. Yesterday, we received advice that our Club has been selected as a finalist in 3 categories in the Queensland Golf Industry Awards for 2021.

The results are in, its been a long four weeks but the winners have been declared and a big congratulations should go to all players that participated over the four weeks of stroke play during the 2021 club Championships. Also

Dear Members,

Following on from the slight delay in issuing member subscriptions notices for the year (due to lock down) which were due on 31st August, the Club has provided a little more time for subscriptions to be paid for

VGC Ladies Charity Day – Open to All VGC Women & Men Members & Guests – 15 September 2021.

The VGC Ladies are holding their 2021 Charity Day on Wednesday, 15 September 2021 and it is open to Men and

Dear Members, just a couple of things to update as we commence our Club Championship event tomorrow.

  • Given the significance of the event, all players must swap cards, both the player and marker’s score must be recorded and the

Dear Members,

By now, all members (excepting Points members*) who have provided an email address to the Club should have received your membership renewal notices for the 21/22 year. Our assumption is we have up to date email addresses, but

Dear Members, we trust that you are all OK. Following the Premier’s announcement this morning of the end of lock down at 4.00 pm today, we are delighted to advise that the Course & Club will re-open tomorrow am, subject

Dear Members, as a result of the extension of the SE Queensland lock down until Sunday, 8th August at 4.00 pm, unfortunately we adviuse that the Club and Course will remain closed.

Directors have no discretion in this decision as

Dear Members, as you will all by now be aware, the Government has announced a strict lock down for SE Queensland LGA’s for 3 days from 4.00 pm today, Saturday 31st July. Arising from this Health direction and after consultation