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Dear Members,

We wish to advise that on 2 separate occasions, being Tuesday 21nd December & yesterday 28th December, 2 members at the club on those days, have subsequently been advised that they were close contacts of confirmed COVID 19

Dear Members, We reference our earlier communication in relation to the Public Health Direction in effect from today, 17th December where we advised that un-vaccinated members and guests would be unable to access the Club House & Terrace areas, but

Dear Heritage members, just a short post to confirm that the Heritage Course will be open for play from tomorrow morning following extensive mowing today.

The course is largely fine but some wet areas remain, largely limited to the front

Dear Heritage Members,

Unfortunately we must advise that the Heritage Course (and Driving Range) will remain closed tomorrow, Wednesday 14th December.

We are hopeful that tomorrow we will be able to get the course back into shape quickly after being

Dear Members,

As some members may be aware, the Queensland Chief Health Officer on Tuesday 7th December, released the Public Health Direction (PHD) setting out the requirements on businesses covered by the scope of the PHD in response to the

Dear Members, following an inspection of the course today, we can advise that the course is beginning to dry and we do not wish for any further rain in the short term.

For Golf tomorrow, Friday 10th December, at this

Dear Members, in spite of our optimism earlier in the day, this afternoons heavy storm (which continues) has resulted in significant surface water across the golf course.

Unfortunately, we must advise that competition play including the Thursday Club will not

Dear Members, a quick update on Golf arrangements for tomorrow Thursday 9th December.

  • The 9 hole Heritage Comp tomorrow (between 6.00 am & 7.45 am) will be relocated to Holes 10-18 on the Main Course. The Heritage 9 &

Dear Members, a slightly longer update on course conditions for tomorrow, Saturday 4th December (and Sunday) golf.

  • The Heritage 9 Competition for tomorrow has been cancelled. The Driving Range will be closed.  Golf can be played on the Heritage

Dear Members, just a quick update on the course Condition today.

With the rain event clearing yesterday afternoon, the course condition has obviously improved but remains quite wet underfoot, with surface water still evident on a number of fairways.Our Course