Members News Articles

The Board of Directors recently approved a set of by-laws for the Club.  They can be viewed by clicking here – Virginia Golf Club By-Laws.

The Board – Virginia Golf Club


Following an extensive recruitment process, the Board wishes to advise that Michael Crough has been appointed as the new full-time Secretary Manager of Virginia Golf Club.

For the past 4 years, Michael has been the Secretary Manager of Gisborne Golf

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Appointment of new President

Following the resignation of Dallas Drake, the Board has appointed Matt Toomey as the new Club President.

By way of background, Matt is a Chartered Accountant who is currently the Associate Director of Accounting & Reporting

Dear Members,

Further to the earlier notice, I wish to inform you that today we have received Dallas’ resignation from the position of President. Obviously, his health and recovery must be his priority. The remaining Members of the Board wish

A few Virginians are heading down to Grafton Golf Club this weekend as part of their annual trip.  It’s a tradition that even got a mention by Greg Norman when he was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame

Virginia Golf Club has been featured in the latest edition of Australian Golf Digest as one of 13 must play courses in South East Queensland.  It’s great to see the Club recognised as you can read the full article by