Having just played our final game for the year, I would like to express our thanks to everyone for their continued support throughout which has been a challenging year.
Members News Articles
Prawn Platters for Each Group
Free Golf Ball
Complimentary drinks in clubhouse, including 1/2 nips
Enormous Run-Down
Dine With Your Mates After The Game
Members are advised that the nomination process for Director positions for the 2019-20 year has now closed.
Nominations have been received from the following members wishing to serve the Club for the next year as follows:
Dear Members.
Please be advised that the Eighty-Ninth Annual General Meeting of the Virginia Golf Club will be held at the Club on Monday, 25th November 2019, commencing at 7.30. pm. All members are invited to attend.
Our November break-up will be held on the 21st of November and our Xmas Ham day on the 12th of December weather permitting. Read More »
With our visit to Grafton barely 2 months away, the sheet etc is now up in the breezeway. Those wishing to attend are requested to register promptly to enable me to confirm the accommodation.