Members News Articles

Dear Members,

The Chief Health Officer today has announced a refinement on the covid 19 restrictions for Clubs and pubs. Effective immediately, whilst members remain permitted to approach the bar to order food and beverage BUT are not permitted to

Dear Members,

We have received feedback from Industry bodies on a meeting with Dr Jeanette Young, Queensland Chief Health Officer held this morning.

Dr Young has stressed to the Industry representatives her serious concern about recent Covid 19 outbreaks in

Dear Members, following on from our Board meeting on Tuesday, on behalf of the Directors I am delighted to advise that there will again be no increase for in membership subscriptions fees for the 20/21 Golf year (for all memberships

The final of the Glad Scott event, between Helen Masterson & Cheryl Stayte  vs. Josie Beauchamp & Ann Squires was played today in perfect golfing conditions. 

After a tight tussle in the early holes Helen and Cheryl gradually got the

Dear Members, another update and again apologies, like last update, maybe a coffee or drink of choice required for this missive.

Covid 19 – Stage 3 easing of restrictions.

As members will be aware, the Premier made an announcement