Members News Articles

The ladies Open Day scheduled for tomorrow Wednesday 3rd February has been cancelled due to the inclement weather over the past 12 hours.  The event has been re-scheduled for Wednesday 17th February at the same time 8:00am shotgun start.  The

Thursday Club results are in from Thursday 28th January 2020. The results can be seen by clicking here.


The VGC Women’s Medal of Medals event was played over 2 stroke rounds in November 2020. This event went down to the wire and and ultimately resulted in a tie between Sheryn Portley with net scores of 78 – 75

Dear Members, after having to postpone our VGC Opening day on 10th due to the Covid lockdown, we are pleased to advise that this important event on our calendar has been rescheduled to Next Sunday, 24th January.

Unfortunately, we have

Dear Seniors Club Members.

We invite you to attend the Presidents breakfast to be held next Tuesday am, 19th January from 6.45 am.

This annual breakfast will be followed by our usual stableford competition on the main course. Please

Dear Members,

Thank you to date for your support of our efforts to comply with the revised Covid related Government regulations until at least the 22nd of Jan when we hope we can revert to previous less restrictive arrangements at

Dear Members, following on from the Premier’s announcement this am on the lifting of the greater Brisbane lock down, we are delighted to advise that the Course, Club and Driving range will be open from tomorrow am, Tuesday 12th January.

Dear Members, following on from today’s announcement by the Queensland Premier of the Brisbane wide 3 day lock down from 6.00 pm tonight, pleased be advised that the Course and Club will be closed for the lock down period.
