Members News Articles

Dear Members,  after a thorough course inspection this morning a decision has been made to keep the course closed until Thursday March 10.  This decision  is also subject to ongoing weather conditions.  A further course inspection will be made on

Course update & Summer Cup/Match Play Thursday March 3rd, 2022.

Dear Members, another report on the golf course which you can understand has been significantly damaged.  The course is still unplayable and with more rain today and more expected it

The 2022 Summer Cup is here and what a way to start off the second Honour Board event of the year with some good scores produced after the first round.  The second round next Saturday February 26th will be a

Please see the attached results from the Tuesday Seniors single stableford competition played February 8, results can be seen by clicking here.

Dear Members,

Please see the below details regarding the funeral for John Klatt who passed away early last week, John was the long standing Golf Professional here at Virginia Golf Club. Any Virginia members wishing to attend the funeral are

Footy Tipping is BACK!!!!! Register online today

If you would like to pay cash come and see Megan in the Office weekdays


Same as last year, it will be run thru ESPN, they will do

This weekend will see the opening  of the 2022 golfing season with our annual Opening Day festivities, this Sunday 9th January.  

Event Details:  This years event is a Las Vegas Scramble the Theme for the event is 50’s so get

With the Ham Day behind us, we advise that our last game for the year will be this Thursday the 23rd of December.  We will resume on the 1st Thursday in January.

With the short week between Xmas and new

Dear Members,

As some members may be aware, the Queensland Chief Health Officer on Tuesday 7th December, released the Public Health Direction (PHD) setting out the requirements on businesses covered by the scope of the PHD in response to the

Dear Heritage members, just a short post to confirm that the Heritage Course will be open for play from tomorrow morning following extensive mowing today.

The course is largely fine but some wet areas remain, largely limited to the front