Dear Members

In accordance with clause 8.5 of the constitution, I wish to advise that the Club has received a written request signed by more than 5% of eligible members calling for a Special General Meeting. In accordance with the constitution we are required to provide 21 day’s notice to members prior to the said General Meeting, with this in mind, we have identified 15th October as the appropriate date, the meeting will commence at 7.30pm in the Club Rooms.

You will all be aware of the restrictions that are imposed on meetings in terms of numbers allowed during the Covid crisis, we will of course comply with the Government requirements which at present would allow for no more than 100 people in the main function room, we will watch for any change in these rules and respond accordingly.

No doubt all would agree that any changes to the club constitution are significant and it is appropriate that all that are eligible to vote are provided with the opportunity to do so, with this in mind, proxy votes will be available at the Golf Shop and the Office in the period leading up to the meeting.

The proposal to be considered is amendment to clause 7.13 of the club’s constitution to remove all words after ‘Re-Election’.

Rationale: The requested amendment is sought to remove tenure restrictions on the nominated and specified positions of President (4 years) and Captain (3 years) to enable the incumbents to nominate and serve the cub while they retain the support of the majority of members.

To provide some background information we can advise that the restrictions that are currently in place were imposed in May 2014, with a special general meeting that was attended by 37 members with a further 35 providing proxy votes. There are no minutes available to disclose the rationale for the changes. Discussions with a member of the committee formed to deal with the proposal at that time, suggests that the changes were effected to bring Virginia into line with some other clubs with Royal Qld being mentioned and to allow for renewed blood on the Board.

All members will have to make up there own mind as to whether the restrictions are appropriate or if the fact that members can remove any or all Directors including the President and Captain if a majority are unhappy with their performance either by calling a special general meeting or by voting against them at the A.G.M. All Board members are appointed for a 12 month term only and must re-nominate annually.

From my point of view (and I am not intending to cast aspersions on anyone involved) it is disappointing that such a small number of members bothered to involve themselves in a change to the club’s constitution and I would hope that many more will take the opportunity to vote on this occasion .


Ray Mawdsley

President – Virginia Golf Club

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