Dear Members, as you will be aware, Govt regulation has required the closure of the Club House as of 12.00 today for an indefinite period. Discussions have been held with our Club staff in relation to the impact of this decision and with other VGC staff in considering the possible scenario’s to play out over the next hours/days.
In respect of the actual playing of golf at Virginia, I am afraid to say the advice on this remains unclear. As you may be aware, the Govt restrictions announced last night prohibit ‘indoor’ sports but remained silent on outdoor sports. We along with many other Golf clubs have sought clarity on this and as of 4.00 pm today, we have not had this matter clarified. The issue revolves around the alcohol license on course, and whether this is caught up in the Govt directive requiring course closure or whether the outdoor nature of Golf will be seen to be outside of the restrictions imposed. We understand that negotiations are proceeding this afternoon with Clubs Queensland, Golf Australia and the Office of Liquor & Gaming to clarify this matter. The Club will fully comply with whatever outcome is communicated from these negotiations.
At this time, and this Covid-19 issue can change quickly as we have all observed, Golf will proceed tomorrow Tuesday subject to members and guests complying with required and appropriate social distancing protocols as have been announced. These include, one person per motorised cart, putting with pin in only (no handling of pins) no rakes in bunkers, drinking fountains closed, no more than 4 people in the Golf shop at any time, a requirement to maintain 1.5 meters from other players and staff, the use of cards for transactions (no cash if possible), no hand shakes specifically to avoid contact with others and the avoidance of any interaction which may breach the social distancing protocols. The Club recommends the use hand sanitizers regularly whilst playing.
We would ask for your patience as we endeavour to work these issues through, we will update as further information comes to hand with the obvious priority the issue as to whether the playing of golf is permitted in this lockdown situation.
Please also note that the Seniors group will not be playing tomorrow as would normally occur on a Tuesday.