Dear Members, another update on TC Alfred and impact on VGC.

After the delay in Alfred progressing to the coast over the past couple of days, as you will be aware, the cyclone is now expected to cross over Brisbane probaly tomorrow (Saturday) morning. Based on this latest information and the forecast of a significant rain event both before and after the Cyclone crosses (coupled with high winds and abnormally high tides), we advise that the Clubhouse & Course will be closed over the weekend and all competitions have been cancelled. 

Whilst the predicted windspeeds will be a problem, we still are more concerned about course & lower areas of club house being innundated given abnormally high tides and significant rainfall predicted for the catchment feeding Downfall Creek.

At this stage, we will assess the situation on Sunday afternoon and would hope to be open in some capacity from Monday, subject of course to whatever damage occurs over the next couple of days. 

We hope everyone is safe throughout this event. 



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