Dear Members,
All members (excepting Points, Social golf & Introductory Women’s golf members) should have by now received a membership subscription notice for the upcoming year by email. Could any member who has not received a subscription notice please contact the Club asap as it may be that we do not have an up to date email address or similar.
Please be aware that subscriptions for the year are due & payable by 31st August, unless a prior arrangement has been agreed to with the Club for an alternate payment method.
Direct debit payments are available, with a $300 up front payment (inclusive of a $50 administration fee) prior to 31st August followed by 10 monthly instalments. Members wishing to use direct debit are required to complete an authorisation form and bank details (available from the office) for this purpose prior to 31st August.
Members are advised that should subscriptions (including an initial direct debit payment of $300) not be paid by 31st August or an agreed payment arrangement be made prior to this date, memberships will be deemed unfinancial and access to the booking sheet will not be available post 31st August.
Kind regards. Tony.