Dear Members,
We write to advise of a recent decision by the Club’s Board in respect of membership fees for the 24/25 year, which will see a 3.5% increase in membership fees for all membership categories being consistent with the consumer price index for the year. This will result in membership fees for 7 day memberships increasing by $55 for next year and other membership categories as applicable.
In reaching this decision, Directors acknowledged the clubs current continuing profitability but also noted the increased operating costs of the club which include significant supplier increases in goods purchased, increases of up to 50% in course & other equipment costs and the FWA directed increase in wages costs of 3.5% in June 24.
Directors determined that a CPI based increase of 3.5% was an appropriate response to make a contribution to the increased costs incurred by the Club over the year, noting that the 3.5% increase in all membership subscriptions will cover approximately 50% of the cost of the recent wage increase directed by the FWA. The residual costs of the annual wage movement and other cost increases incurred across the Club will be absorbed into future operating costs/profitability.
24/25 membership subscription notices will be forwarded to Members by end July/early August with payment due prior to 31st August.
6 day & Points Membership Category suspension
Members will be aware that there has been a waitlist in place for the 7 day membership category for about the last 2 years. Now, with continuing growth in other membership categories, Directors have determined that both the 6 day and Points membership categories be suspended for new members (with immediate effect) for at least the next 3 months.
This decision has been taken by Directors to prevent over subscribing membership levels and timesheet demand, particularly on weekend playing days, with Directors holding the view that the club has reached its membership capacity for weekend play. This decision will be reviewed at the end of September following the subscription period.