VGC Men’s Foursomes Club Championship and Women’s Foursomes Cup Sunday 7th April,2024

The VGC Men’s Foursomes Club Championship, which is also a John Klatt Cup points score event, will be played over 36 Holes on Sunday 7th April,2024.

The Winners of the Men’s Championship  is decided on  Aggregate Gross over the 36 Holes.

The event will be held in conjunction with the Women’s Foursomes Cup -Net, a Major Women’s competition, which is

decided on Aggregate Net over the 36 Holes.

Prizes will be awarded in both events for both Gross and Net ,including Winners and Runners Up, and best Net for both AM and

PM Rounds, as well as Nearest to the Pins.


These Foursomes competitions are feature events on the VGC Golf Calendar each year.

On- Line entries will open at 4.00pm on Tuesday 26th March,2024.

Men’s Tee times will be from 6.27am through to 7.30am, to be followed by the Women’s Tee times from 7.37 am through to 8.05am.

It is a great day’s golf, and I look forward to Members supporting these events again this year.

Mick Pullinger

VGC Captain

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