Dear Members, 

The VGC Board of Directors wishes to acknowledge the recent very generous donation of $4000 by the ‘Thursday Club’ to the VGC Junior program. The Thursday Club has been a long term supporter of our junior program over many years, and this continuing support is greatly appreciated by both the Club overall but most particularly by the Club Juniors. The Club now has approximately 140 junior and sub junior members. 

Over the past couple of years, the VGC has extended the junior program to provide further opportunities for Junior Members to develop their golf, including in 2023, the introduction of a VGC Junior Scholarship program, with 9 juniors awarded scholarships to the (in kind) value of $2000 per junior per year to provide for individual tuition, golf equipment & apparel, strength & conditioning program & support to attend junior events etc. The donation by the ‘Thursday Club’ will help with the ongoing cost of the Scholarship program which aims to produce the next group of outstanding future golfers. 

If there is interest from VGC members (or related businesses) to also support the VGC Junior Program we would love to hear from you, sponsorship opportunites include naming rights to the VGC Junior Classic Invitational to be held in September, sponsor logos on Club issued apparel to VGC juniors or other opportunities. 

Please let us know if you would like to be involved in supporting the program, we are open to discussing how any sponsorship arrangement might work. Tony. . 



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