Dear Members, we write to advise on a couple of significant upcoming works being undertaken at VGC over the next few weeks.

Indoor Coaching & Club Fit Facility.

Works will commence next week to construct a purpose built indoor Coaching & Club Fit facility at the western end of the existing men’s locker room. The airconditioned facility will comprise of 2 ‘netted’ Golf bays. astro turf etc. and will be technologically equipped to provide members undertaking lessons and club fits with all the feedback required to make the correct choice in club purchase and also in re-inforcing coaching tips from lessons.  The area will be sectioned off and secured from the remaining locker room area and will be airconditioned for member comfort. At this stage, the facility will not be open to members as a ‘golf simulator’ facility although this purpose is under review. The facility will not be open to non members or green fee players unless undertaking a golf lesson or a club fit with our PGA Golf Professionals. There will be some relocation of existing lockers which has separately been communicated to members who currently hire lockers in this area. 

We would expect these works will be completed over the following 4-6 weeks. 

Function Room Air-conditioning. 

In the recent Presidents report (in the 2022 Annual Report), Greg advised members of an intention to be ‘future focussed’ in renewing and upgrading club equipment and infrastructure. With this in mind, and with the deterioration of the existing 20+ year old air-conditioning system in the Club’s main function room (McScott room), this system will be replaced with these works commencing on Monday 23rd January. These works will be completed over the following 3 days. We anticipate no member impact arising from these works. The old system has reached its use by date with 2 of the 4 units not working & the remaining 2 operating at 50% of original capacity. Currently, we are unable to hold a function for more than 100 people in the room on hot days as the air-conditioning system simply cannot keep the room at a reasonable temperature. 



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