Dear Members, just an update on course conditions for tomorrow, Friday and for the weekend. Advice below is subject only to further rainfall over the next few days.
The main course is open for play as normal, golf carts are available to be used on course. Members are asked to avoid obvious wet areas when using carts on course for the next day or so, but the course is fine. Scheduled competition play over the weekend will proceed as normal.
The Heritage 9 course (and Driving range) is closed today. We believe at this stage the Heritage course will be open tomorrow for ‘walking golf’ only, no carts on the Heritage 9 tomorrow. The Driving range will remain closed at least for tomorrow. As always, to check the up to date status of this advice, members can call to Golf Shop tomorrow am from 5.00 am for updates. We will undertake a further inspection of the Heritage 9 tomorrow afternoon in respect of cart usage over the weekend and advise further.
As above, advice is subject to no further rainfall over the next few days.