Dear Members.
Please be advised that the Ninety First Annual General Meeting of the Virginia Golf Club will be held at the Club on Monday, 29th November 2021, commencing at 7.30. pm. All members are invited to attend.
In accordance with clause 7.12 of the Club’s Constitution, all Director appointments lapse upon the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting each year. Nominations are therefore invited from eligible Members for appointment to the following Director roles, being the positions of;
President, Vice President, Captain, Vice Captain, Treasurer, Director of Women’s Golf, Membership Director, Greens Director and one (1) Director position.
Nomination forms for members wishing to serve the Club as a Director of the Board are available from the Administration Office at the Club.
Any two (2) eligible members may nominate another eligible member to serve as a Director of the Board. The nominee and nominating members must be financial members of the Club at the time of the nomination being made. Where there is more than 1 nomination received for any Director position, an election will be held to determine the appointment to that Director position. A member may be nominated for more than one (1) Director position.
For the purposes of providing clarity, ‘Points’ Members, ‘Heritage Nine’ Members, ‘Student’ Members, ‘Social Golf’ Members and ‘Introductory Get into Golf – Women’ Members of the Club are not eligible to be appointed to the Board of the Club, to nominate a member to serve on the Board or to vote at the Annual General Meeting (including proxy voting where applicable).
Duly completed nominations for appointment as a Director should be returned to Tony Bourke, Secretary Manager by 5.00 pm, Monday, 1st November 2021.
The Club’s Annual Report for the 2020-21 year will be provided in due course but not later than 31st October 2021.
Dependent on the nature of COVID-19 related restrictions applicable on 29th November, they may be some limitation on the maximum numbers of members able to attend this meeting. Members will be advised should this situation arise.
Tony Bourke
Secretary Manager.