Dear Members, following the lifting of the lock down restriction on Brisbane & Morton Bay LGA’s from 6.00 pm tonight, we advise that the Club House and Course will be open, tomorrow Sunday 4th July.
Golf will be played in groups of 4 as per the posted time sheet tomorrow. Given the rain overnight and this morning, it is highly unlikely that golf carts will be permitted on course at least for tomorrow, a final decision will be made on cart use in the morning, as necessary please call the Pro shop in the am on cart usage. The course is very wet with visible surface water this afternoon.
We will remain with some ongoing restrictions, no rakes in bunkers, pins to be left in whilst putting, no swapping of cards etc. Mask use will be compulsory to enter the Club House (can be removed for eating/drinking) and amenity areas & office, in the Pro shop and where you cannot socially distance. For reference beyond tomorrow, dependent on cart use, Golf Australia advise that masks must be worn when sharing a golf cart whilst seated in the golf cart. We understand these requirements will remain in place for at least 2 weeks.
It is mandatory to sign in using the QR code in the Club House and/or Golf shop (either/or but members must sign in each time they visit the club). VGC is liable to fines should a member visit the Club or Course and not scan in.
In accordance with Health Directions, members should avoid congregation and to maintain at least 1 person per 2 square meters outdoors, and 1 person per 4 square meters indoors. The Club house main bar area is limited to 52 persons at any time, and we ask that not more than 4 members in the Pro Shop at any time, with both restrictions applying for at least the next 2 weeks.
As a number of exposure sites listed by Queensland Health are in the general proximity of VGC, members are requested to please regularly check on these exposure sites and to follow health directives. Lastly, if you have been to an exposure site, or are feeling symptomatic or unwell, to please not visit the club.
Greg Seaborn.
President (on behalf of the VGC Board)