Dear Members,

Following on from our update yesterday in respect of the directed greater Brisbane lock down, following consultation with Directors this morning, we advise that the Club will remain closed for the lock down period until 5.00 pm Thursday 1st April. 

At this stage, and obviously subject to further advice from Government, we advise that from Friday 2nd April (Good Friday) and over the weekend, competition play will resume as normal, with the time sheet for Saturday being available from 5.00 pm tonight (Tuesday). We will update as any further information or public health direction is provided.

Due to licencing requirements, the Club House will be closed on Good Friday, but at this stage the competition on Good Friday will proceed as will competitions on Saturday and Sunday as scheduled. 

Please do not come to the club if you visited any location listed on the Queensland Health website since 20th March or if you are experiencing any symptoms or are unwell. 


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