Dear Members,
Following Member Feedback, the Club’s Match Committee has decided to conduct a Trial of a weekly Men’s Competition on Wednesday mornings.
This will be a Single Stableford Competition, commencing on Wednesday 20th November, 2024.
Tee Times allocated during the period of the trial will be from 8.12 am until 9.15 am each Wednesday for the period
until 18th December 2024.
The Men’s event will directly follow the Women’s Summer Series of Golf and will be a scheduled as a separate event during the trial period.
There will be no Nearest to the Pins for this event during the trial period and Prize allocation will be based on the number of players in the
competition each Wednesday.
Entries for the first event on 20th November are now open.
Following the completion of this trial, a decision will be made on the extension or otherwise of this competition.
Mick Pullinger
VGC Captain