Dear Members, a quick course update which obviously is subject to any further rain over night.

At this time, we are optimistic that the Wednesday Competition on the Main Course will proceed tomorrow as scheduled. Unfortuantely, we cannot provide advice on cart usage on the Main Course tomorrow until we conduct a review of the course early tomorrow am. We will update the timesheet header as soon as this inspection is completed in the morning as well as send a text to members booked tomorrow re playing conditions and cart usage, for any other questions, members are also invited to contact the Pro Shop in the am. 

The Heritage 9 course is pretty wet this afternoon and its probable that only ‘walking golf’ will be available tomorrow (probably no carts on Heritage Course).  As above, the header on the Heritge comp will be updated as soon as the course inspection is completed along with a text to booked members re playing conditions and cart usage for tomorrow. 

Note that all arranagements above are obviously subject to any further rain overnight. Tony. 

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