Dear Members,

Thank you to those members who have paid the annual subscriptions by Saturday 31st August.

It is however apparent that a large number of members have not yet paid subs for the year which are now overdue. If you have not done so, members who have not paid subscriptions or made arrangements with the Club are asked to do so asap. The process to make unpaid members ‘unfinancial’ will commence later this week which will result in no access to future booking sheets.

Members who have paid subs in previous years by direct debit are welcome to continue to do so but are reminded that a $300 initial payment was required by 31st August to retain financial member status, with a requirement to ensure the Club holds banking details for monthly debit payments to be made. A $50 administration fee applies for direct debit payments. 

Members who wish to request an alternate payment arrangement are also welcome to do so but are required to contact the Club by close of business Wednesday 4th September.



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