Dear Members, please see below re planned upgrade to the Miscore app which is required for additional app functionality. As per Greg’s note in the recent newsletter, we do encourage as many members as possible to move the the app for scoring.
Advice from MiClub as follows.
The App upgrade will install automatically on devices with auto app updates enabled. For devices with auto app updates disabled will require a manual update through the stores. At end of March all users will be forced to accept Version Upgrade.
Please read the help article linked below for more information. An email has been sent direct to clubs with information that can be included in member communications. More information about the version upgrade from Tuesday 7th March
**Key Note: Android 7 devices and iPhone 6 models will no longer have access to MiScore App after the Version Upgrade, users will need to upgrade to Android 8+ or iOS13+ if possible or require another compatible device.