As members will be aware, 2022/23 membership subscriptions for all member categories (excluding Points & Social Golf Members) were sent out in late July.

Membership subscriptions are due and payable by 31st August.

Just a reminder that from Thursday September 1st all unfinancial members will be unable to access timesheets or win prizemoney unless an alternate arrangement has been entered into with Tony Bourke (General Manager). Members are requested to please pay their subscriptions by 31st August (or contact Tony to discuss potential alternate arrangements before this date) to avoid being blocked from future timesheets/competitions, including of course, Club Championships.

The preferred method of payment is via Bpay, details on your subscription notice.

Members who have previously paid subscriptions via direct debit can continue to do so (a $50 admin fee applies) but are reminded that a $300 up front payment is required by 31st August to maintain your financial member status for the new golfing year. Again, Bpay is the preferred method of payment. Please also advise if your banking details have changed from those previously provided.

Thank you to all Members who have already paid subscriptions for the year. 

Greg Seaborn


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