Dear Members,

We write to advise of a potentially very significant development for the Club, being the construction of a large water storage lake on course. As many and particularly long time members will be aware, over the years the club has struggled to maintain the golf course during dry & drought periods. Whilst it seems somewhat perverse to be talking about water storage after the 6 months we have had of wet weather, it is inevitable that at some stage in the future, dry periods and/or drought conditions will return. The matter of a more sustainable water supply has been an issue for the club for at least the last 30 years, and most recently evident during the drought period in 2019 when the course was significantly impacted. Improving the sustainability of the Club’s water supply was the highest priority of members who completed the 2021 member survey. 

The Club has been very actively pursuing the construction of a water storage facility for the past couple of years following on the work of previous Boards and executive staff. Where we are now at is the Club has lodged a Development Application (DA) with Council on the 6th May to construct a water storage lake, and since that time, we have been working constructively with Council representatives to have the DA approved. Whilst the DA has not yet been approved, we now believe this will or is highly likely to occur over the next couple of weeks, hence this member update now.

The DA lodged by the Club provides for a water storage lake to be constructed on the old 28th hole (bordering the 15th fairway & green, the 16th tee & adjacent to the 16th fairway, to the rear of the 17th green and around to the rear of the 18th tee). It is expected this lake will deliver a minimum storage volume of approximately 45 megalitres, for reference, the current 18th dam is estimated to hold 16-17 megalitres when full. The DA takes full consideration of native habitat, trees, site exit and will meet all regulatory requirements as set by Council. The Club is able to comfortably meet the costs of the construction, soil removal etc. from existing cash resources without any need for borrowings.

The Club has engaged with Timms Civil to construct the storage lake and remove spoil from site. Due to the very tight time frame for Timm’s contracted delivery to the receiving site (early July), preparatory works for the water storage lake are expected to commence from Monday 27th June. This is simply to have the preparation for works completed & minimise the time for delivery from the date the DA is approved. Members are advised that there will be no soil removed from site until such time as the DA is approved by Council. Initial preparatory works will include constructing ‘bunding’ around the outside of the lake, some stock piling of soil, preparation of exit route behind 15th green to exit at Western end of Tufnell road etc (on club land only). The receiving site for the soil is the Nudgee Recreation Reserve re-development at the northern end of Elliott road. The Club will consult with residents along the transport route in due course (subject to the DA being approved). 

So whilst a potentially very significant development for our club, over the years we have learnt that nothing is done in this space until it is done. The project remains conditional upon Council approving the DA for the lake, which whilst we are now confident will be achieved, it cannot be guaranteed. 

We will update members further on this critical project over the next few weeks. 

Greg Seaborn

President  Virginia Golf Club


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