Dear Members, 

After what feels like an extraordinarily long time, we are delighted to advise that Saturday’s scheduled competition on both the Main & Heritage Courses will be held as scheduled (subject only to adverse weather). Whilst there remains some wet areas on course, particularly on the Heritage Course, Golf carts will be able to be used on both the Main & Heritage courses. 

Members using golf carts are again asked to not drive carts into obvious wet areas, and on the main course, to not drive carts into areas ‘roped off’ – please park & walk to your ball (with a sand bucket).

The Driving range unfortunately will remain closed over the weekend, although the short range/chipping facility is open. 

On the Main Course, we are delighted to advise that the course returns to its normal layout, 6th & 10th tees are back and the new 1st green will be open. All bunkers on the main course are in play. Please see local rules in respect of the areas on 6th & 10th fairways which remain impacted by the events of the last few months. 

We also welcome members to our new Golf shop (we are very excited to present the new look golf shop to members), my acknowledgement & thanks to Brett, Corey & the Golf Shop team for all their work in having the very significant refurbishment of the Golf shop completed and up and running. It will be nice to have the spike bar back in action, and the shipping containers out of the carpark. Over the next couple of weeks work around the shop area will continue, including resurfacing the asphalt areas around the shop to the stage area for the 1st tee. 

Lastly, a reminder to members of the Professional Long Drive event to be held here at VGC this Saturday, from 5.00 pm ish following the completion of the afternoon competition. We expect a fun event, all members welcome. Food & drinks will be available.



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