Dear Members, 

After course inspections this morning & afternoon, we are pleased to advise that tomorrows scheduled competition will proceed, but for walking golf only, the course remains too wet for carts to be used tomorrow. There remains significant wet & casual water areas on course (particularly 5th, 6th, 8th 15th & 17th fairways), but we believe that continued drying this afternoon will result in the course being playable tomorrow.

Members are advised that obviously we have been unable to mow fairways or rough areas since Thursday last week, we actually bogged 2 greens mowers trying to access greens this week. Grass in some rough areas is quite long.

For tomorrows competition play, tees on 6, 10, 15 & 18th holes will be forward, compulsory tee up through the green, all bunkers are GUR. Please carry & use sand buckets. 

The Heritage 9 & Driving Range remain closed, the short range wedge area is quite wet but open (please only use synthetic mat for any practice, no practice from turf tee), the chipping green & practice bunkers are open.

At this time, we are optimistic carts may be able to be used on Course from Tuesday, but a further update on this will provided on Monday afternoon.


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