Dear Members, a couple of things to update.

Course condition. Obviously, at the moment the main course is very wet & Heritage Course & Driving range is closed until further notice due to inundation yesterday. Equally obviously, conditions for weekend play will be directly dependent on any further rain. We will monitor this situation over today and tomorrow and update members via text either tomorrow night or early Saturday am on play-ability of the course and any required conditions on cart use etc.

Relaxation on Mask usage. As many will be aware, the Premier earlier this week announced that from 6.00 pm on Friday 4th March, masks will no longer be required for patrons or staff to enter Clubs or Pubs in Qld. We are delighted to reach this step like i expect everyone is.

However, there will remain a requirement for all members entering the Clubhouse to continue to ‘check in’ using the QR code & verify vaccination status and to provide such evidence if requested. This is only a requirement to enter the Club House & Terrace area (not required to enter the golf shop). Tony.

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