Dear Members, just a couple of quick things to update.
Saturday Time sheets. Obviously at this time of year with shorter daylight hours, there is a reduced number of tee spots for members on a Saturday, resulting in close to capacity fields. Unfortunately over recent weeks, we have experienced a high number of late withdrawals from the time sheet (last week in excess of 20 withdrawals from late on Friday afternoon & Saturday am). Obviously this is too late for other members to book into the vacant spots in the field. So, whilst we understand unexpected illness and last minute changes in plans, if any member booked into a Saturday (or any other day) competition is aware they will be unable to play on the day, we simply request the maximum possible notice such that another member can take up the spot on the time sheet. Please either remove your name from the time sheet before midday Friday or call the pro shop if after 12.00 on Friday.
Club House ATM. Members are advised that the external provider of the ATM in the Clubhouse has removed the machine. Due to covid issues and the greatly reduced use of cash for transactions, the ATM was very under utilised and not providing a return for the provider (nor any commission for the club). Going forward, members will be able to get ‘cash out’ from the bar if required albeit we greatly favour use of cards for purchases. The maximum ‘cash out’ will be $50 in any one transaction. There will be no charge to members for ‘cash out’. This facility will be available to members from Saturday 5th June.