Dear Members, as all will be aware, the Qld Premier this morning announced the re-introduction of COVID-19 restrictions to apply from 1.00 am tomorrow, 29th June. At this stage, these restrictions will remain in place for 2 weeks. Whilst we do not yet have full information as to what this means to VGC, the following at a minimum will apply for the 2 week period.
- Members will be required to wear a mask to enter the Club House, access bathrooms and office areas. It is mandatory to scan in using the Queensland government QR code.
- Members are required to be seated to consume food and drinks, but may approach the bar to order (masks required). Members who are seated are not required to wear a mask whilst eating or drinking. All customer facing staff will be required to wear a mask.
- We will return to the 1 person per 4 square meter rule inside the club house and 1 person per 2 square meters outside (incl. terrace area.)
- In accordance with the restrictions we have dealt with over the past 12 months, (and ironically lifted last Friday), there can be no communal sharing of food, and all meals must be individually served.
- Members will be required to wear a mask to enter to Pro Shop, as will our Pro Shop staff. Members are asked to limit the number of people (excluding staff) in the Pro Shop to a maximum of 4 people at any one time, and to ensure social distancing protocols are observed in all high traffic areas, putting green, Pro shop entrance and surrounds, 1st tee etc. At this stage, we believe golf will continue to be played in groups of 4, and golf carts may be shared.
- We do not have information on more specific golf related activities in relation to use of bunker rakes, removal of pins, scorecard signing etc, at this time the current practices will remain in place until we get further information.
- Members are asked to not attend the club if they are unwell, and to regularly review the Queensland Health information in relation to confirmed exposure sites and to not come to the club if to do so contravenes the health directions.
We will update further as required. Tony.