Call for Volunteers

Dear Members, as you will be aware, the club is supported every week by a small team of wonderful volunteers who assist our Course staff in maintaining the Course. We are always happy to welcome more members who might be able to join our volunteer team, but specifically we are looking for some extra hands on Wednesday next, 21st April, to support the preparation of the course for the Pro Am event on Friday (tidy up, erect sponsor signage etc). Any member who can find an hour or 2 to help out will be most welcome (from 7.00 am and any time during the day).

Feel free to join in at any time that suits, normal ‘outdoor’ work wear and suitable footwear for out door work is required for safety reasons.

Shared Equipment

We are as delighted as we are sure all members are that the requirement to mask up indoors has finally been relaxed as of this am.

As an update to members in respect of when we can return to ‘normal’ playing conditions on course, (rakes in bunkers, being able to remove pins etc.) we attach below updated advice on these matters received from Golf Australia yesterday.

(excerpt from GA circulation received 14th April)

“Under the Covid Safe Plan, shared equipment restrictions remain. Golf Australia’s recommendation is for Clubs and facilities to continue the use of these Covid-19 Local Rules as it the most adequate way to meet the Covid Safe Plans practices around hygiene and sanitisation of shared equipment under current restrictions. A facility may choose to allow the removal of flagsticks, rakes in bunkers, NTP’s and score cards, however, this shared equipment needs to be washed or wiped with antibacterial wipes or alcohol-based sanitiser prior to and after each use”.

Whilst the Club has re-introduced NTP’s and provided santiser to enable compliance with this advice, we unfortunately remain of the view that compliance with this advice for flags and rakes  etc. is unworkable and it is implausible that the Club would be able to ensure compliance.


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