Dear Members,
Thank you to date for your support of our efforts to comply with the revised Covid related Government regulations until at least the 22nd of Jan when we hope we can revert to previous less restrictive arrangements at VGC.
Following on from our communication on Monday, and after some disappointing incidents this am, Members are again advised that it is a REQUIREMENT TO WEAR A FACE MASK WHEN IN THE GOLF SHOP for whatever reason, even to drop in a score card, and to please ensure social distancing protocols are observed by having a maximum of 4 people in the golf shop at any one time (excepting staff).
Failure to observe these protocols potentially puts the member, other members and Golf shop staff at risk, and also creates the potential for the Club to be fined. Those members who have claimed not to have a mask when asked are actually in breach of the current regulatory protocol which requires everyone to carry a face mask when away from home.
We fully expect Office of Liquor & Gaming Inspectors and/or Police to visit the club to ensure compliance as they have done many times over recent weeks and months.
Could we again ask members to work with us as we navigate our way through the next week or so, hopefully we will get out the other end to less restrictive protocols, but right now we have no choice and must comply with the law as it stands.