Dear Members,

The Chief Health Officer today has announced a refinement on the covid 19 restrictions for Clubs and pubs. Effective immediately, whilst members remain permitted to approach the bar to order food and beverage BUT are not permitted to remain standing at the bar to consume and must immediately return to their table. The rationale for this refinement is that the CHO has stated it is easier to maintain social distancing when seated. To this end, whilst this is a small change for us, it does go to the issue of members moving chairs to have more chairs around a table than appropriate to maintain social distancing so we would ask members to refrain from this practice.

As members will be aware, there is a heightened sense of concern among Queensland Authorities given the situation unfolding in Southern States and enforcement action by officers is likely if we do not reasonably comply with regulatory requirements.

Just to repeat the main points of this, please observe at least 1.5 meters social distance at all times including not more than 4 members in the pro shop at any time, avoid physical contact with other members/staff including shaking hands, members are asked not congregate around practice putting green or 1st tee area,  leave pins in, no rakes, wash/sanitize your hands regularly and as far as is practicable, use marked entry and exit points from the club (enter from front terrace).

Most importantly, please do not come to the Club if you are feeling unwell. Tony.

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