Dear Members, our thanks for your continued support and patience over the past few weeks as we have had to manage time sheets in accordance with Public Health Directions.
We are delighted to advise that as from this Saturday 16th May, we anticipate that we will be able to revert to groups of 4 players which will obviously provide much greater opportunity for members to get a spot on busy days. The time sheet to be issued today at 5.00 pm for Saturday will reflect this change in groups.
Members are advised that whilst we think it highly likely that we will be able to play in groups of 4 from Saturday, the amendment to the Public Health Direction required to change the definition of gathering from 2 to 10 persons (for outdoor non contact activity) has not yet been issued. Whilst we are aware that some other clubs are also moving to groups of 4 from Saturday in anticipation of the Direction being amended, if this amendment is not issued before Saturday we will have to revert back to groups of 2, although we sincerely hope this will not be necessary. We will advise further on this matter by Thursday close of business.
Although we are (hopefully) able to move back to 4’s, all other aspects of regulatory protocols remain in place including maintaining social distancing of 1.5 meters, one person per cart, pins remain in place, no rakes in bunkers, strictly no alcohol on course (or car park which is also a licensed area) etc.
Members are advised that we are trying to source additional golf carts from Saturday to cope with the likely extra demand. We strongly recommend pre-booking carts for Saturdays/Sundays at least until we are able to remove the one person per cart restriction. Further to this issue, of behalf of members, we have sought formal clarification on the Public Health Direction in respect of 2 people from the same household sharing a golf cart on course. There is no change to the current position whilst we await formal clarification on the Direction from the Chief Health Officer.
Thank you again to members for your support over the past few weeks and for your continued compliance with the regulations which we are required to adhere to for the Club to remain open. As we move through the easing of restrictions we will keep members posted on changes including when we might be able to re-open the club house.
Lastly, members are advised that the Tuesday Seniors Group will recommence on Tuesday 2nd June. We will update on the Thursday Club in due course.