Dear Members, we have received a number of requests for clarification on the social distancing protocols which are now in place for the game of Golf. As advised in our earlier posts, VGC staff members will be on hand to advise as required but we thought it might be useful to repeat a summary of previous notices to this effect.

  • Members are reminded that social distancing protocols require at least 1.5 meters separation between players at all times out doors and 4 meters ‘in doors’ such as in the Pro Shop, no hand shakes and physical contact with other members or staff, no touching pins (putt with pins in), there are no rakes in bunkers, preferred lie rule applies, validate your score with your marker on each hole but mark your own card (don’t swap cards) and you are not required to counter sign cards.
  • Please observe social distance protocols when entering the Pro shop, not more than 4 persons in the shop (excl staff) at any time please. Please do not congregate in groups around/in the pro shop, tees or greens and maintain appropriate physical distances between players and with staff.
  • In relation to the use of motorised carts, as you will be aware, only one person per cart. We have been asked if it is acceptable that 2 people use a cart (2 bags on the cart) with each player walking alternate holes. Whilst this is not ideal, this practice will be permitted, but we strongly recommend the carrying of sanitisers (anything that removes germs) and disinfecting steering wheel etc. each change over.
  • In all such things, we ask that members  enjoy their golf and the company of fellow members but also use their common sense and understanding of the situation we are all in at the moment and excercise appropriate care in looking after their own health and that of other members.
  • We have also had questions about whether members can bring alcohol onto the course when the club is  currently prohibited from selling  alcohol. The answer to this question is NO, the club is not licensed for BYO alcohol. Members who bring  alcohol onto the course not only breach our licence conditions, but leave both the Club and the individual potentially liable for fines etc. with further potential to put the club’s licence at risk.  Please do not bring alcohol onto the Course. In these crazy times, we have been advised of police visiting clubs to check compliance with the many regulatory requirements which have been established this week, including around alcohol licensing compliance.

Finally, on a slightly lighter note (and to avoid yet anther message!), we can announce winners of the Pennants fund raiser raffle. Thank you to everyone who supported the VGC Pennants teams.

Ist prize- Scotty Cameron Putter. Winner Frank Phillips.     2nd prize – Akubra Hat (thanks to Scott Perro) – Mark Fulton.     3rd Prize- 1 doz. Pro V1 – Winner Dave Rickman.      4th prize – Golf Lesson – Winner Aiden Craig

5th prize – $50 Cash – Elia Faalago.       6/7th prize – Titliest Hat – Alan Wright & Barry Elliott              9/10/11th Prize. Sleeve Pro V1- Neil Rowlett, Karen Barton, Mike O’Malley & Greg Mackie

Kind regards. Tony.


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