Dear Members,

At the Annual General Meeting held on Monday 25th November 2019, members were asked to consider and vote upon 2 special resolutions to amend the Clubs constitution. As members will be aware, for any such special resolution to amend the constitution to be adopted, a vote of at least 75% in favour of the resolution (of those who vote) is required for the resolution to be passed.

The first resolution concerned the establishment of a specified and nominated Board position of Director of Ladies Golf. This resolution was supported by 79% of members who cast a vote (including proxy votes) and is therefore adopted.

The second resolution concerned the removal of tenure restrictions on the Board positions of President (4 years) and Captain (3 years). This resolution was supported by 71% of members who cast a vote (including proxy votes) and as the ‘in favour’ vote did not reached the required 75% threshold, this resolution was not adopted and the tenure restrictions on the positions of President and Captain will be retained.

The constitution will be updated to reflect the adopted change and relevant authorities notified in due course.


Tony Bourke

Secretary Manager.

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