The Board is pleased to announce that during the last meeting a decision was made to proceed with the construction of a new Chipping Facility and short game practice range, replacing the existing practice facility adjacent to the 9th hole.
This work will commence over the next couple of weeks with the first stage of works being to construct practice bunkers and a chipping green (irrigation/drainage etc) at the eastern end of the current practice facility.We would expect that, weather permitting, stage 1 will be completed over the next 2-3 months but this will also be dependant on balancing other required course work over this time period.
Stage 2 of this project, which will see upgraded turfing and the construction of an approximate 70 metre short game practice facility will be scheduled once the initial stage has been completed. We look forward to the completion of this work and delivering a greatly improved practice facility for VGC Members.
Ray Mawdsley – President.