The Ladies Silver 1 Pennant Team squared the match against Indooroopilly2 playing at Wantima Golf Club on Friday11th May.
The team of Margaret Manning, Trish Carter, Jenny Hancock, Robin Van Beekhuizen and Anita Bradford have done us all proud. Well done!!
Thank you to their caddies for their support.
Next game is on Friday the 18th May at Wynnum against Royal Queensland tee time is at 7.30 am.
The Weekend 3 Pennants team had a Sunday off for Mother’s Day
The next game for the Weekend 3 Pennant team is at Mount Warren Park and we will be playing Wantima tee time is 11 am.
The team will be Nin Pearce, Narelle Ward, Narelle Fraser Bella Swann and Helen Masterson Good luck Ladies.
Good Luck everyone.
Play well and have fun.